The Hottest Cities in Italy

The Hottest Cities in Italian History


Does the hellish heat not let you sleep at night? Would you like to cool off with a nice swim in the sea but are forced to work in the office? Rejoice, it could be much worse! Yes, because after all, the average temperatures of 34-36° C in the main Italian cities aren’t so scary if compared with those recorded in the past. In fact, history teaches us that the national thermometers have exceeded the threshold of 40°C more than once!

It is no coincidence that Sicily holds the record for the highest temperature ever recorded in Europe in an inhabited municipality!

But which are the hottest cities in Italy ever? Let’s find it out!

The Hottest Cities in Italian History

The Hottest Cities in Italian History

The highest maximum temperatures ever recorded in Italy date back to two particular years, 1962 and 1999. The record peaks throughout Italy, especially in the southern regions, were reached during the summer season (July-August). The hottest cities are all belonging to Sicily.

Here are the top 15!

  1. Catenanuova, Province of Enna: 48.5°C – 10 August 1999
  2. Monreale, Province of Palermo: 48°C – 10 August 1999
  3. Noto, Province of Syracuse: 48°C – 10 August 1999
  4. Riesi, Province of Caltanissetta: 47.1°C – 9 August 1999
  5. Bompensiere, Province of Caltanissetta: 47°C – 9 August 1999
  6. Lentini, Province of Syracuse: 47°C – 10 August 1999
  7. Paceco, Province of Trapani: 47°C – 9 August 1999
  8. Licata, Province of Agrigento: 46.9°C – 12 July 1962
  9. Catania, Province of Catania: 46.7°C – 12 July 1962
  10. Viagrande, Province of Catania: 46.3°C – 10 August 1999
  11. Scillato, Province of Palermo: 46.1°C – 10 August 1999
  12. Delia, Province of Caltanissetta: 46°C – 9 August 1999
  13. Ispica, Province of Ragusa: 46°C – 10 August 1999
  14. Caltanissetta, Province of Caltanissetta: 45.9°C – 9 August 1999
  15. Canicattini Bagni, Province of Syracuse: 45.7°C – 10 August 1999